
In this page, you can find a record of all the changes made to LaraClassifier such as bug fixes, new features, etc.

Version 15.1.3 Jul 17, 2024

  • Phone numbers validation improved
    (allowing admin users to select a phone numbers validator from the Admin panel).
  • Admin panel's settings models' JS improved.
  • Page titles during updates which were always null fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Minor bugs fixed.

Version 15.1.2 Jul 12, 2024

  • Admin panel's settings models' JS import improved.
  • DB tables prefix and tables names collision fixed.

Version 15.1.1 Jul 11, 2024

  • Many jQuery codes converted in pure JavaScript.
  • Payment plugins' JavaScript code improved
  • The category filter in the search page fixed.
  • Allow admins users to enable/disable SSL verify_peer verification for mail sending
    with MAIL_VERIFY_PEER=true in the /.env file (It is set to false by default).
  • Prevent mails (or notifications) to be queued.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Minor bugs fixed.

Version 15.1.0 Jun 28, 2024

  • Splitting of the "Single (Page & Form)" settings group to "Listing Forms Options" and "Listing Details Page Options".
  • Renaming of the "List & Search" to "Listings List Options".
  • Add a global "Type of display" option for categories in the group of settings "Listing Forms Options".
  • Resend support added (as new mail sending driver).
  • Backed enumerations implemented for the Continents, Genders, Listing Types, User Types entities, and removal of their DB tables.
  • Append "excerpt" column for listings collections from the API.
  • Listings list grid template improved.
  • Pure JS autocomplete implemented (Replaces the version which uses jQuery).
  • Some drivers and web services validation (like: Mail, SMS, ...) options improved.
  • The pricing page will no longer force to be shown during the listing creation process when the logged in user has a valid subscription.
  • Delivery the right error message, when action cannot be done under impersonation.
  • Properly apply the "Currency Exchange" and the "Domain Mapping" plugins middlewares when the plugins are installed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Minor bugs fixed.

Version 15.0.0 May 18, 2024

  • Laravel 11.x support added.
  • MailerSend support added (as new mail sending driver).
  • Admin panel: Option to manage items per page & limit added. Available in the Admin panel → Settings → General → Pagination.
  • Admin panel: Option to manage the social media links in the footer added.
  • Admin panel: Option to manage the social media share icons added (Support for more social media added).
  • Dark mode theme added (Can be set in users area when admin user enables the option).
  • Allow to set a logo for light mode and another for dark mode. The main logo will be used as fallback for both modes.
  • Admin panel: Options to manage the admin panel charts entries limits added (to manage memory usage).
  • Upgrades: All SQL files converted in Laravel migrations.
  • Laravel-Mix updated.
  • Bootstrap framework updated.
  • Font Awesome Free updated from v5.15.4 to v6.5.2
  • Bootstrap Icons updated from v1.9.1 to v1.11.3
  • Social media icons improved (Including new X (Twitter) icon).
  • Exceptions handler improved (and removal of all the dd() function calls in production).
  • Improvements.
  • The "Detect Ads Blocker" plugin assets (css & js) files links fixed.
  • Bugs fixed.

Version 14.2.0 Nov 17, 2023

  • Bugfix: Package & package type selection (when the APP_HTTP_CLIENT= variable in the /.env is not curl).
  • Bugfix: 404 error during listing creation (when the APP_HTTP_CLIENT= variable in the /.env is not curl).
  • Localization & Geo location settings improved.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.

Version 14.1.0 Nov 1, 2023

  • Settings to hide the breadcrumb elements (category, location, ...) of each listing on the listings list pages.
  • Adding of the possibility to select a locale that is available (installed) on the server during language creation or modification.
    This update solves persistent issues with the Turkish language for example, that is set to tr_TR by default.
    A locale with codeset can be selected instead, like: tr_TR.UTF-8, tr_TR.utf8, ... if they are installed on the server.
  • Re-implementation of the app's API consumption via local requests (in addition of cURL usage).
  • Set the local requests as the app's API default type of consumption.
    This can be changed by adding the line APP_HTTP_CLIENT=curl in the /.env file to make external requests instead.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.

Version 14.0.3 Oct 12, 2023

  • Bugfix: IP addresses saving from client instead of from API.
  • Bugfix: Google social login link fixed.
  • Bugfix: Payment gateways logos display in footer fixed.
  • Bugfix: Loading... effect in the Admin panel lists fixed.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.

Version 14.0.2 Oct 5, 2023

  • Honeypot Spams Protection added.
  • Bugfix: Contact form submitting fixed.
  • Bugfix: AJAX Autocomplete fixed.
  • Social network providers settings updated to fix social login issue.
  • Bugfix: Payment start & end dates update during OfflinePayment approval.
  • Minor improvements.

Version 14.0.1 Sep 14, 2023

  • Date columns comparison with empty character for MySQL 8+ fixed.
  • Minor improvements.

Version 14.0.0 Sep 11, 2023

  • Option to limit the number of listings per user.
  • Subscription feature for users accounts added.
  • Multiple payments (for promotion or subscription) support for a payable (listing or account).
  • Packages now expire automatically following a start and end date.
  • User's photo updating improved. And a browse button added in addition to the drag'n'drop zone.
  • Bugfix: Unwanted AJAX request on all pages removed.
    Twice requests are no longer sent for each page, that solve an historic performance issue.
  • Many code improvements.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Composer update.
  • Some JavaScript libraries updated.

Version 13.0.0 Jul 1, 2023

  • Laravel 10.x support added.
  • New option added, to allow admin to decide how premium listings will be displayed in search results.
  • New option to make the listings price field mandatory added.
  • New directory architecture for all the web controllers (install, admin, and public).
  • Minor improvements.
  • Minor bugs fixed.

Version 12.2.4 Mar 14, 2023

  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.

Version 12.2.3 Feb 23, 2023

  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 12.2.2 Dec 20, 2022

  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 12.2.1 Nov 29, 2022

  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 12.2.0 Nov 26, 2022

  • API and its integration improved.
  • Allow pagination in the category selection's modal (on the listings posting forms).
  • The "More cities" or "City switching" modal improved.
  • Cities selection from a modal added (as new option).
    The select2 option is still available, with ability to switch from one option to another from the admin panel.
  • Admin panel: Update how DataTables will report detected errors.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 12.1.0 Sept 27, 2022

  • Auth fields display improved.
  • Reduced the SQL queries number by 90% per page (when DB cache is disabled).
  • Some SQL queries performances improved.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 12.0.2 Sept 13, 2022

  • Phone number blacklist option added.
  • Default open graph image selection added.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.

Version 12.0.1 Sept 10, 2022

  • Minor improvements.
  • Documentation updated.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Composer update.

Version 12.0.0 Sept 5, 2022

  • Auth field (for users authentication) added.
  • REST API improved.
  • Forgot password via SMS fixed and improved.
  • Email & Phone verification improved.
  • SMS notifications strongly improved.
  • Manage phone numbers origin (local, from activated countries or from all countries).
  • API implementation added.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Other improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 11.0.4 Jul 15, 2022

  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 11.0.3 Jun 26, 2022

  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 11.0.2 Jun 21, 2022

  • Improvement of API and its integration.
  • Bugfix: Upgrade can be done from version 1.0.0 to the latest now.
  • API docs updated.
  • Composer update.
  • Minor improvements.

Version 11.0.1 May 16, 2022

  • Language selection ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error fixed.
  • API Improved.
  • API docs updated.
  • Composer update.
  • Minor improvements.

Version 11.0.0 May 12, 2022

  • Laravel 9.x support added.
  • API: New endpoints (Genders, Post types, Report types, User types) added & Other improved.
  • Passwords & Email addresses validation improved.
  • Files upload/storage code improved.
  • API docs updated.
  • Apply the domain name change to its new name:
  • Currency Exchange plugin updated (sold in addition).
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.
  • Display the default timezone in users edit form.
  • Minor bugs fixed.

Version 10.2.6 Mar 12, 2022

  • Dynamic style options fixed.
  • Listings views counter fixed.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 10.2.5 Feb 28, 2022

  • API: Listings list/search endpoint improved.
  • API: Creation endpoint for saved listings and for saved searches added.
  • API: When the thread details endpoint called, option to embed user, listing and thread message details added.
  • API: Remove hidden columns (password, remember_token) from user details.
  • API: Remove the purchase_code extra column from app setting details.
  • API documentation updated.
  • Use the "Search (Default)" meta tag pattern when 2 filters (e.g. category & location) are filled.
  • Cron Job command: Send notification in the listings country's main language.
  • Category selection in the listing creation/editing form optimized.
  • Apply the pictures limit related to the selected package during listing creation.
  • IP addresses validator methods in the IP helper class fixed.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 10.2.4 Feb 12, 2022

  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 10.2.3 Feb 9, 2022

  • During payment process, save the package currency in the DB (like the amount)
    to show the right information about the payment even when admin user change the package price or currency.
  • Admin panel: Show the right error message when the backup fails.
  • Bugfix: JS error when the Reviews System is uninstalled and its tab was opened.
  • Bugfix: Fix the LC_MESSAGES error, when PHP wasn't compiled with libintl.
  • Bugfix: Save the payment amount in the DB when PayPal is used as payment method.
  • Minor improvements & Code cleaning.
  • Composer update.

Version 10.2.2 Feb 2, 2022

  • The script can now auto-fix broken plugins' root folder name, when they are incorrectly added to the system.
  • Geolocation feature improved.
  • 9 new GeoIP driver added.
  • Usage of the official ISO country code for the United Kingdom (GB instead of UK that is reserved).
  • Exceptions Handler improved.
  • Bugfix: Fix for float number with incorrect decimal separator (after setting a locale).
  • Bugfix: Remove filters in search results page when the "Enable The Multi-countries URLs Optimization" option is enabled.
  • Bugfix: WYSIWYG editor usage in the Admin Panel.
  • Bugfix: JS error that block custom fields loading.
  • Geonames database updated (Available only for fresh installations).
  • Show a spinner (loading icon) during countries (un)installation.
  • Other minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements & Code cleaning.
  • Composer update.

Version 10.2.1 Jan 15, 2022

  • In addition to the logo upload resizing options,
    new options for logo displaying has been added (Admin → Settings → General → Style → Logo).
  • Multi Steps Form: Form auto-submission when the pictures limit is reached, removed.
    Instead, a warning message notification has been implemented.
  • Bootstrap Carousel added as a new pictures' slider for listings.
  • Bugfix: The "Remember me" feature during users authentication fixed.
  • Bugfix: Error during files uploading when users send a message (from the website's Messenger).
  • Other Bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements & Code cleaning.
  • Composer update.

Version 10.2.0 Jan 6, 2022

  • Admin panel: Logo's dimensions settings added.
  • Admin panel library updated.
  • Code improved.
  • Bugs fixed.
  • Composer update.

Version 10.1.4 Dec 31, 2021

  • Listings' pictures' sliders improved (and 2 other alternatives added).
  • Listings' full size pictures viewing on click on the pictures slider.
  • Languages menu improved.
  • Bugfix: Languages files lines synchronization.
  • Using cookie instead of session to store the users' preferred language.
  • Minor improvements & Code cleaning.
  • Composer update.

Version 10.1.3 Dec 13, 2021

  • Apply compatibility with new payment plugins (sold in addition).
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 10.1.2 Dec 9, 2021

  • 8 new predefined skins added.
  • Option to create unlimited skins added (New skin can be created simply by choosing its primary color).
  • Admin panel: Bulk entries activation/deactivation and listings approval/disapproval (reviewed) added.
  • No-Index options in the Admin panel has been improved for more SEO customization.
  • Many non-used assets (JS/CSS) files removed.
  • Bugfix: Validation messages translation in other languages.
  • Bugfix: Backup deletion error message fixed.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 10.1.1 Nov 20, 2021

  • Hash/Hide the Listings' IDs in URL as YouTube-like IDs option added.
  • SweetAlert2 integration + Improvements of JS alert().
  • Price range filter in the search results page improved.
  • Header menu improved.
  • Bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 10.1.0 Nov 5, 2021

  • Admin panel: Visual icons selection for categories added.
  • Display big icons font as picture for the homepage categories section.
  • Hindi & Bengali languages files added (global.php file 100% translated).
  • Homepage mini stats section improved.
  • Front: Bootstrap 5 Icons Font implemented.
  • Languages files lines keys updated.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 10.0.2 Oct 9, 2021

  • Admin panel: Allow/Disallow authentication required to report abuses.
  • Front: Usage of the latest version the FontAwesome 5 (free version).
  • Bugfix: Close the Bootstrap Tooltips on mouseout.
  • Bugfix: Location field in the homepage search form. Fixes abnormal 404 error issues.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 10.0.1 Sept 13, 2021

  • Option to validate Mail & SMS driver's parameters added.
  • Website logo added in the mail template.
  • PayPal payment plugin improved. Check out the new configuration.
  • Stripe payment plugin improved.
  • Bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 10.0.0 Aug 25, 2021

  • Frontend & Admin panel: Bootstrap 5.x support added.
  • Re-Branding: LaraClassified to LaraClassifier.
  • Possibility to customize Meta Tags for search results (Categories, Cities, Tags, etc.) pages.
  • A rich text section added in the homepage sections.
  • A rich text section (containing the categories description) added in the categories page.
  • Possibility to set the homepage's premium and latest listings sections in carousel or as list or grid or compact.
  • Possibility to set the details page's similar listings section in carousel or as list or grid or compact.
  • Settings to limit listings title & description length added.
  • Settings to set tags limit & each tag length limit added.
  • Setting to enabled WebP format usage for all listings images.
  • Validator rule to check the uniqueness of the listings for logged users added.
  • Hide WYSIWYG link option related to the admin configuration.
  • Improvement of Mail, SMS and Security settings to save unselected drivers/providers data.
  • Multi words tags allowed.
  • Usage of the official PayU SDK for the PayU add-on.
  • Postmark & Mailgun config updated to meet their official requirements.
  • Google reCAPTCHA re-added in addition to the Simple Captcha.
  • Bugfix: Social Login for the MultiDomain add-on.
  • Bugfix: Previous URL stored in session.
  • Bugfix: Simple Captcha text top position fixed for imagick.
  • Usage of Throwable instead of Exception class to show the right error messages.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Minor bugs fixed.

Version 9.0.1 July 1, 2021

  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 9.0.0 Jun 26, 2021

  • REST API added.
  • API consumed at 50% by the web app's front-end.
  • The REST API documentation added.
  • New captcha system implemented (to avoid the code breaks related to the updates of reCAPTCHA API).
  • German language added.
  • Full improvement of the multi steps listings creation (Save data in the DB at the last step).
  • Pictures field can be mandatory with both the single step or the multi steps listings creation now.
  • Search engine's code improved.
  • Prevent Adblockers (latest update) to hide listings list.
  • Allow to customize the admin URI from the /.env file with the variable ADMIN_ROUTE=newuri.
  • Bootstrap Fileinput updated.
  • Many minor improvements.
  • Bugfix: Backup settings fixed + Improvements.
  • Bugfix: ListingsClear command
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Composer update.

Version 8.0.6 Mar 20, 2021

  • Search page left sidebar: Clear filter buttons added.
  • Admin panel: Sidebar menu improved.
  • Show archived listings as archived instead of 404 error page for listings owners & admin users.
  • Fix multi-checkbox field values in the custom fields.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Minor bugs fixed.

Version 8.0.5 Mar 8, 2021

  • Admin panel: PHP-cli version info added in System Info.
  • Cron Job Settings Info (and System Info) improved.
  • Increasing the pages content limitation (from 65000 to 16000000 characters).
  • Fix the MySQL error when the database translatable entries fallback locale is set to null.
  • Properly retrieve price in forms during listings edition.
  • Fix 404 error for customized listings URL (when those are the callback URL) from payment gateways.

Version 8.0.4 Mar 6, 2021

  • Admin panel: Option to specify unexisting location search results in front.
  • Bugfix: Cities suggestions (or search) fields (MySQL error - Illegal mix of collations).
  • Minor improvements.
  • Minor bugs fixed.

Version 8.0.3 Mar 4, 2021

  • Admin panel: System Info page added.
  • Properly handle AJAX errors related to the city fields in forms.
  • Properly apply the country's filter in city search.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Composer update.

Version 8.0.2 Feb 26, 2021

  • Vertical thumb slider option for listings' pictures added for the listings' details page.
  • Support for MariaDB added.
  • Option to allow emojis in listings' title and description (When utf8mb4 is set as charset and utf8mb4_unicode_ci as collation).
  • Even if not recommended, support for MyISAM storage engine added (New installations only).
  • Date format improved.
  • Bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 8.0.1 Feb 22, 2021

  • Usage of utf8mb4 for DB Charset & utf8mb4_unicode_ci for DB Collation by default (New installations only).
  • Bugfix: City field - Illegal mix of collations (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) and (utf8_unicode_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like'.
  • Price field transformation fixed.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 8.0.0 Feb 16, 2021

  • Database's translations strongly improved.
  • Countries, Cities and Administrative Divisions names can be translated now.
  • Changing the system's default language is more easy, fast and more secured.
  • Option to enable/disable CSRF protection added.
  • Allow $0 as price for the items (ie. allow item to be free).
  • Show the number of pictures related to the featured listings (in the carousel).
  • Search filter links improved.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 7.3.8 Jan 28, 2021

  • Search engine improved: Include category name and parent category name in keyword search (with low relevance).
  • Properly display pictures upload errors.
  • Fixing invalid action name in reCAPTCHA v3.
  • Bugfix: Display PayPal gateway on the payment page.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 7.3.7 Jan 22, 2021

  • Permalink settings for Listings details page re-added (for the new languages switcher version).
  • Countries data SQL improved to prevent primary keys duplication issue.
  • Apply persistent filters for categories and cities on search results page.
  • Options to count listings related to categories or city moved from "Homepage" settings to "List & Search" settings.
  • Bugfix: Listings Clear command: Take to account payments with transaction_id = null.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 7.3.6 Jan 17, 2021

  • Chat system added (Replacing the old Messaging system).
  • Date format management per language or per country added.
  • Dates can be hide on the listing page, on the homepage and on the listings details pages.
  • Support to edit the bootstrap-filenput language file from the Laravel localization management area.
  • Time zones list and their selection improved.
  • Apply the right order to the categories on the search results page.
  • bxSlider rtl controls options fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.

Version 7.3.5 Dec 21, 2020

  • Hide the Listings Types in Listing creation/edition forms and in search results pages (by default).
  • Support for iyzipay-php added (for the iyzico payment plugin).
  • Minor improvements.
  • Composer update.
  • Minor bugs fixed.

Version 7.3.4 Dec 13, 2020

  • Bugfix: The AdjacentToNested function fixed.
  • Bugfix: Support for 2Checkout-php v0.4.0 (in the 2Checkout plugin).
  • Montenegrin language's ISO code added that allow you to translate your website to it.
  • Composer update.

Version 7.3.3 Dec 9, 2020

  • Bugfix: Similar Listings (Near the listing location).
  • PHP extension json checking before starting installation, added.
  • The app can now detect the primary language of the country (without making redirection or using session).
    • You have to activate the "Auto Detect and Select Language" option in the "Admin panel → Setup → General Settings → Application".
    • If you use our Domain Mapping plugin, this will strongly optimize the language management for your SEO.
  • Minor improvements.

Version 7.3.2 Dec 4, 2020

  • Bugfix: Show right category name on search results page.
  • Admin User Permissions fixed after upgrade.
  • Composer update.
  • Minor bugs fixed.

Version 7.3.1 Nov 28, 2020

  • Disable the MySQL (5.7.6 or greater) ST_Distance_Sphere function when MariaDB is used.
  • Fixed translatable filters.
  • Sitemap link in footer fixed.
  • Search results page: OrderBy relevance fixed.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Minor improvements.

Version 7.3.0 Nov 23, 2020

  • Laravel 8.x support added.
  • Usage of Laravel Migrations instead of Raw SQL.
  • Usage of Eloquent (instead of Raw SQL) for listings search. By significantly reducing the number of SQL queries performed during a search.
  • GDPR: Users can allow marketing usage of their email address from forms.
  • Settings & Home sections codes improved.
  • Important: Language code is removed from URLs. Session is used instead.
  • Installation & Upgrade process improved.
  • Default categories added, moved & deleted.
  • SMS (Twilio) settings fixed & improved.
  • Many more small improvements & bugfix.

Version 7.2.4 Oct 2, 2020

  • Advertising Slots Improved (Integration of auto placement advertising).
  • Bugfix: Install's SQL files upgraded.

Version 7.2.3 Sep 14, 2020

  • Small Improvements (related to Composer 2.0 & PSR4).

Version 7.2.2 Sep 9, 2020

  • Bugfix: Translated Routes (Categories & Pages).
  • Small Improvements.

Version 7.2.1 Aug 28, 2020

  • Bugfix: List the categories in form select box even if the categories section is disabled on the homepage.
  • Bugfix: Price format fixed.
  • Bugfix: URL when switching language fixed.
  • Option to hide homepage sections on small screens (e.g. mobile) added.

Version 7.2.0 Aug 25, 2020

  • Support for unlimited depth subcategories (ie Subcategory of subcategory of subcategory...).
  • Permanent listings feature (and category option for permanent listings) added.
  • Admin users can now feature listings in the homepage's carousel (using the OfflinePayment plugin) by a click.
  • Pricing page added (To list all available Packages by currency).
  • Option to force users to post listings from the Pricing page.
  • Promotion duration, Publication duration & Pictures limit added to Packages (These override the global options when set).
  • Italian language files added.
  • All the included views also, can be customized in the /extras/customizations/ dir.
    NOTE: You must follow the same trees and names of views as the script's views.
  • Installation process improved.
  • And many more small improvements.
  • Minor bugfix.

Version 7.1.1 July 22, 2020

  • Default images optimized.
  • Image upload & resize improved.
  • Price number manipulation improved.
  • SVG maps (af, in, ru) updated.
  • Minor bugfix.

Version 7.1.0 July 15, 2020

  • New great design for the Admin Panel.
  • Languages files edition from the Admin Panel.
  • Allow front views customization in the /extras/customizations/ dir. So it's now possible to extend the views without being overwritten in the next updates. NOTE: You must follow the same trees and names of views as the script's views.
  • Option to show/hide "Security Tips" on phone number.
  • Allow users to contact advertisers on WhatsApp (With pre-filled message or not).
  • Languages files keys updated to allow them to be editable from the Admin Panel.
  • Green and Yellow styles CSS updated.
  • Plugins folder has moved to make easier websites upgrades.
  • Composer update.
  • Minor improvements.

Version 7.0.4 June 13, 2020

  • URL, Number, Date, Date Time, Date Range and Video types fields added in the Custom Fields.
  • TinyMCE, Summernote and CKEditor5 WYSIWYG editor added.
  • More fields filters added in the search page sidebar.
  • Feature to allow/disallow custom field filters in the search page sidebar added.
  • Geonames database updated (Available only for fresh installations).
  • Many DB queries improved (using Laravel ->cursor() feature).
  • Prevent admin users to be banned.
  • Blacklist - Cyrillic words also can be banned now.
  • Check if MySQL driver is enabled for PDO on the server.
  • Use the search area background image as og:image on the homepage.
  • Updating listings: New pictures position fixed (Multi Steps Form).
  • Multibytes strings manipulation in Custom Fields.
  • Count listings by category feature fixed for non main languages.
  • User account: Saved searches pagination fixed.
  • User account: Avatar update/deletion security issue fixed.
  • Duplicate strings on Tags array fixed.
  • Reply title on Conversation page fixed.
  • Composer update.
  • Minor improvements.

Version 7.0.3 May 13, 2020

  • Prevent wrong locale used in the setlocale() function.
    NOTE: This fixes an historic issue with the Turkish language.
  • Minor bugs fixed.

Version 7.0.2 May 2, 2020

  • Show/hide password feature added.
  • Feed improvements.
  • Bugs fixed.

Version 7.0.1 Apr 28, 2020

  • Maxmind database updated.
  • npm packages updated.
  • Minor bugfix.

Version 7.0.0 Apr 22, 2020

  • Laravel 7.x support added.
  • Postmark mail service added in the installer.
  • Installer improved.
  • Listings Clear Cmd improved. Greatly reduce your memory usage.
  • CKEditor plugin removed (Security issue).
  • Minor improvements.
  • Bugfix: Feeds. + Languages Sync.

Version 6.9.4 Dec 26, 2019

  • Google+ share removed. WhatsApp share added.
  • Bugfix: Impersonate feature.
  • Bugfix: Twitter sharing encoding issue.
  • Bugfix: Admin panel reorder feature.
  • Bugfix: Minor CSS.
  • Bugfix: Failed to load resource: net::ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR.
  • Distance Calculation Improved.
  • Composer update.
  • Minor improvements.

Version 6.9.3 Aug 16, 2019

  • Improvement of the Distance Calculation Unit Conversion.

Version 6.9.2 Aug 14, 2019

  • Bugfix: Distance Calculation Unit Conversion. Distances are now accurate.

Version 6.9.1 Aug 8, 2019

  • Upgrade system updated: Support for semver added.
  • Hide listings price related to their category (or parent category) type.
  • Search Engine code improved. And MySQL strict mode is now supported.
  • Geonames database files updated (Available only for fresh installations).
  • Minor improvements.
  • Bugs fixed.

Version 6.9 Jul 15, 2019

  • Admin panel: Options to protect & to hide phone numbers added.
  • Admin panel: Allow admin user to select the Distance Calculation Formula.
  • Allow admin users to ban links/URLs, email addresses and phone numbers from the listings description.
  • More Backup Options added.
  • Files Storage Improved.
  • Prevent only numeric characters for listings description field.
  • LinkedIn login issue fixed.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Minor bugs fixed.

Version 6.8 May 27, 2019

  • Admin panel: Configurable Files & Images Upload settings added.
  • Admin panel: Option to clear images thumbnails.
  • Admin panel: Allow admin users to customize the robots.txt file.
  • Admin panel: Option to select the "Similar Listings" type (or disable it) on the Listings details page.
  • Allow admin users to ban listings authors on one click by visiting their listings details page.
  • Carousel auto-play loop (if enabled) added for mobile display.
  • "Offline" button in users area fixed.
  • Listings details page Tabs display fixed.
  • Multi-countries routes file generation (during the first SEO settings save) fixed.
  • Observers (Post, Picture, Payment & Payment Method) cache clear fixed.
  • Minor improvements.

Version 6.7 Apr 30, 2019

  • Minor improvements.
  • Bugs fixed.

Version 6.6 Apr 28, 2019

  • Support for Laravel 5.8.* added.
  • Lazy Loading option added in Optimization settings.
  • Chinese & Japanese languages files added
  • Removing pictures on listing edit (Single Step Form)
  • Admin panel: Add link on IP addresses
  • Front: Redirect admin users to the Admin panel.
  • Minimum file upload size added in the settings.
  • (If the Reviews System plugin installed) Sorting by ratings added in the search page.
  • Minor bugs fixed.

Version 6.5 Apr 4, 2019

  • Admin panel: Optimization Settings added.
  • "Listings Cleaner" command renamed to "Listings Clear".
  • Usage of the Laravel Task Scheduling in the Cron Job tab.
  • Bugs fixed.

Version 6.4 Mar 30, 2019

  • Admin panel: Yandex site verification added
  • Google Chrome: bxSliders click fixed
  • Many minor improvements.
  • Minor bugs fixed.

Version 6.3 Mar 22, 2019

  • Known bugs fixed.

Version 6.2 Mar 18, 2019

  • (Browser or Website Country) Language Auto Detection and Selection.
  • Admin panel: New settings added.
  • Admin panel: By selecting the "Single Step Form", picture field can be make mandatory or not.
  • Homepage: New options to count listings belong to cities and/or categories.
  • Support for Google reCAPTCHA v2 and v3.
  • Google reCAPTCHA integration improved.
  • Many minor improvements.
  • Composer packages updated.
  • Simditor WYSIWYG CSS overwritten fixed.
  • Minor bugs fixes.

Version 6.1 Feb 21, 2019

  • Allow admin user to select a form type for listings creation and edition ("Multi Steps Form" or "Single Step Form")
  • Admin panel: New settings added.
  • Add font color function in Simditor WYSIWYG.
  • Social Network Login improved (LinkedIn & Twitter login added. Google+ login can be removed).
  • Laravel 5.8 deprecated functions (String and Array Helpers) cleared.
  • Simditor WYSIWYG translation added.
  • Many minor improvements.
  • Composer packages updated.
  • Bugfix: Resource interpreted as Stylesheet but transferred with MIME type application/javascript (in the latest version of Chrome)
  • Minor bugs fixes.

Version 6.0 Jan 26, 2019

  • Improvement of the Custom Validators Rules.
  • IETF language tag(s) added for JS locale(s)
  • Instagram URL added in Social Network list displayed in the footer.
  • Bugfix: Ajax upload error container.
  • Composer packages updated.

Version 5.9.1 Jan 17, 2019

  • Bugfix: Prevent Ad Blockers to block listings images.

Version 5.9 Jan 14, 2019

  • Users auto-registration from listings creation form added.
  • Feature to put manually listings offline added.
  • Admin panel settings: New settings added.
  • Composer packages updated.

Version 5.8 Jan 3, 2019

  • Bugfix: .cat-list > ul.collapse on mobile (HTML Sitemap Page)
  • Bugfix: Prevent the default language deactivation
  • Bugfix: Price Filter (related to the Currency Exchange Plugin)
  • Composer packages updated.

Version 5.7 Dec 6, 2018

  • Frontend: Bootstrap 4.x support added.
  • User profile photo option added.
  • (If you have purchased the Reviews System Plugin) - User profile ratings calculation added.
  • Confirmation Emails sending feature added.
  • Usage of the Laravel default Email Notification feature.
  • ListingsCleaner command improved.
  • Plugins settings improved (Watermark & Reviews System plugins).
  • Composer packages updated.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Minor bugs fixes.

Version 5.6 Oct 8, 2018

  • Support for Laravel 5.7.*
  • Admin panel, Lists/Details improved.
  • Words blacklist option improved.
  • Invalidate banned users access from social (Facebook/Google) login.
  • Remove the User and all the Posts related to a banned email address.
  • Composer packages updated.
  • Minor bugs fixes.

Version 5.5 Aug 18, 2018

  • Improvement of the Admin panel Dashboard.
  • Minor code improvements.
  • Admin panel, Details Lists: CSS bugs fixes (for Windows users).

Version 5.4 Aug 9, 2018

  • Security vulnerability fixed (mentioned in the Laravel v5.6.30 Security Release).

Version 5.3 Jul 31, 2018

  • Bugs fixes.

Version 5.2 Jul 30, 2018

  • Admin panel: User Roles and Permissions (ACL) system added.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Bugs fixes.

Version 5.1 Jun 9, 2018

  • More backup features added (to prevent data losing).
  • Ability to disable the listings report pages indexation on the search engines added.
  • Ability to hide all the footer links added.
  • Cities columns option added in the homepage location area management.
  • Admin panel: Languages creation/edition forms improved.
  • Allow admin to force UTF-8 encoding for Dates (to prevent the Dashboard Charts display issue).
  • Create a new token if the post or user (email/phone number) is marked as unverified.
  • Minor improvements.
  • Bugs fixes.

Version 5.0 May 12, 2018

  • Admin panel: Bulk Items Deletion added.
  • HTTPS support fixed.
  • Minor improvements.

Version 4.9 May 4, 2018

  • Support for Laravel 5.6.* (with several Laravel Security Fixes).
  • Russian, Thai, Portuguese, Turkish and Georgian languages files added.
  • Synchronization of missing lines of languages files during the website upgrade, or through the Admin.
  • More options for the homepage categories area management.
  • New Messages Auto-Checking (with configurable timer) feature added.
  • Enable/Disable the "Cities extended searches" from the Admin panel.
  • The Admin panel list pages is now responsive.
  • Cookie Consent Alert (to comply for EU law). Can be enabled from the Admin panel.
  • Display the County (or State) when selecting cities (in cities suggestion).
  • Click on the drag and drop zone to select pictures from your computer.
  • Optimization of Laravel Eloquent Queries with Eager Loading (to accept large databases).
  • The system no longer removes the 'included languages' files on languages deletion.
  • Replace the 'Packages' step by 'Payment' in listings posting process.
  • All categories (including 'job-*' categories types) now accept images uploading for listings.
  • Number Of Views/Items Counter: Shorten long numbers to K/M/B.
  • HTML Sitemap page improved.
  • The /public/uploads/ directory contents has been moved in the /storage/app/public/ directory.
  • XML Sitemaps fixed (Bug appeared by activating the multi-country feature).
  • Links in the listings pictures slider (appeared on Firefox 59.*)
  • Bug fixes.
  • Minor improvements.

Version 4.8 February 21, 2018

  • Various bug fixes.
  • Minor improvements.

Version 4.6 February 14, 2018

  • Upgrade process improved.
  • robots.txt file generation improved.
  • Listings Single Page slug regex fixed (for the listings permalink: {slug}/{id}).
  • Fix the Language Observer: The Category IDs are now replaced in the CategoryField on setting the default language.
  • Allow the admin to put the website in Maintenance Mode.
  • Minor improvements.

Version 4.5 February 6, 2018

  • Bug Fixes (Fix the "Warning: count()" errors on PHP 7.2+)

Version 4.4 February 2, 2018

  • Full Messaging System (between Sellers & Buyers) added
  • Allow admins to re-approve the listings on (title or description) modification (If the listings approbation option is enable)
  • Admin panel: Impersonation feature (Authenticate as your users)
  • Admin panel: New way to manage Settings
  • Options to setup the Default Date & Datetime format
  • Options to customize the theme's style
  • Options to setup the number of columns for Grid View Listing
  • Options to setup the Default Distances on the search page
  • Options to setup the Posts (single page) permalink
  • Options to Allow/Disallow users to pay the Packages in their country currency
  • Options to setup the footer (Hide the payment plugins logos, Enter the 'Powered by' info, etc.)
  • Admin panel: More Options to setup the Homepage Sections
  • Admin panel: Advanced filters added (Listings, Users & Payments list)
  •'s SVG Maps updated
  • Geonames database files updated (Available only for fresh installations)
  • Installation process improved
  • No longer use async:false in jQuery.ajax() on the listings creation/edition forms (deprecated)
  • Admin panel: The sorting orderable columns feature improved
  • Many Minor Improvements
  • Bug Fixes

Version 4.3 November 28, 2017

  • Bug Fixes:
  • - Reorder Payment Methods
  • - HTTPS for Google fonts URL
  • - Homepage Carousel filter
  • Minor Improvements

Version 4.2 November 20, 2017

  • Support for RTL added (Front)
  • RSS feeds generator added (domain.tld/feed)
  • Auto-rotate images based on their orientation using Exif data
    (NOTE: To enable this feature, you have just to enable the PHP Exif extension on your server)
  • On adding the listings pictures, auto-upload them without clicking an upload button
  • Set the primary picture of listings by sorting all their pictures using the drag and drop option
    (NOTE: You have to clear your browser cache after the upgrade)
  • Fresh Installation: Arabic language added
  • Match the packages currency to the countries currency
    (NOTE: You have to create a package per currency)
  • Home Header improved: Enable to set a background image per country
  • New Language Addition: When auto-copying categories, make the 'slug' column unique using the new language code
  • Non latin characters are now accepted for tags
  • Right translation of dates on the listings details page
  • Minor Bug Fixes

Version 4.1 November 3, 2017

  • Home Header section improved (More Options added)
  • Home Latest & Premium Listings sections ("Order By" option added)
  • Tags format validation added (to prevent 404 error)
  • Admin panel, MetaTags validation (Edit Mode)
  • Admin panel, City validation (Edit Mode)
  • Display archived listings in user's area
  • Display the right date for deleting in the "Archived post expiration" email
  • Carousel header/title margin for mobile display

Version 4.0 October 24, 2017

  • The upgrade section in the documentation is updated
  • Admin users can now add and/or remove Meta-Tags for specific pages
  • Home Sections management improved (More Options for the sections)
  • Small improvements
  • Quick countries selection added
  • External link option added for pages
  • The value of search radius distance can be edited from the /.env file (More info)
  • Bugfix: Don't update the current password if the password field is empty (Admin panel -> My Account)
  • Bugfix: WYSIWYG editor links with target attribute support (Listing Submission Form)

Version 3.9 October 13, 2017

  • Homepage header improved
  • Footer improved
  • Registration via Social Login improved
  • Minor Bug Fixes

Version 3.8 October 9, 2017

  • Allow only logged users to contact sellers
  • Quick Login added
  • Tags (and meta-tags keywords for listings page) feature added
  • Laravel 5.5.14 supported (with a Laravel Security Fix)
  • Improvement of the similar listings selection on the listings page (displaying listings from the same parent category instead of the near location)
  • HTML Minify feature improved
  • Search filters improved
  • Minor improvements
  • Fixed: Google Adsense responsive ads supported
  • Fixed: Google Analytics new tracking code supported
  • Fixed: UK mobile phone verification

Version 3.7 September 4, 2017

  • Support for Laravel 5.5
  • Upgrading's process improved (check and launch automatically after files updated)
  • Bugfix: Cron Job Command

Version 3.6 September 1, 2017

  • Bugfix: [emails.reply-sent] not found

Version 3.5 August 31, 2017

  • Custom Fields for all categories (Including the sub-categories)
  • Installation process improved (Made easy for Shared servers)
  • Upgrading's process improved
    (By making an upgrade, you could upgrade automatically all the missed versions (even from v1.0 to the latest version))
  • Pages layout size increased & Header improved
  • Minor improvements (select2 cities selection, etc.)
  • Bugfix

Version 3.4 August 16, 2017

  • Pictures versioning feature added (To clear browsers cache if need)
  • Homepage latest listings display fixed (This was only visible when it was your first visit)
  • Phone number format fixed for Twilio (Add "+" to the phone numbers if missing)

Version 3.3 August 14, 2017

  • Bugfix (Cache - Remove use of rememberForever())

Version 3.2 August 11, 2017

  • Minor improvements (mix() URL for CSS & JS)
  • Bugfix (schema.sql)

Version 3.1 August 7, 2017

  • Custom Fields added
  • Homepage customization (from the Admin panel)
  • SVG Maps colors and sizes edition (from the Admin panel)
  • Twilio and Nexmo APIs integration (Account verification by SMS)
  • Users can now log in with mobile phone number or email address or username
  • Read and reply to the users messages (Authors messaging system)
  • User's transactions list (Users area)
  • Drag & drop upload system (for listings pictures)
  • Possibility of limiting a payment method to one or more countries
  • Sparkpost Mail API supported
  • "Resend Mail or SMS verification" feature (Get more users with valid email or phone number)
  • Multi-language meta-tags manager (Admin panel)
  • Laravel 5.4 supported
  • Installation process improved
  • The listings creation process is improved (with submission by steps)
  • The locations fields are removed (from the posting form)
  • Locations and cities management improved (Admin panel)
  • Optimizing Database Performance
  • Improving Loading Performance (Less SQL queries, Combine & Minify some CSS/JS files)
  • And many more small improvements
  • Minor bugs fixed

Version 3.0 April 6, 2017

  • Installation process improved
  • Page option to exclude some pages from the footer links added
  • Files upload and storage improved
  • User area's lists (my listings, favorites listings, etc.) pagination added
  • Show the default image on listings details page when listings have not images
  • Increase the number of characters for the Custom CSS and Tracking Code options
  • Un-featured premium listings after package expiration
  • Redirect new users to the user area if Users activation is not required
  • Sidebar filter added in the searches results page
  • Setting to change the default favicon
  • Setting for unactivated, activated and archived listings expiration
  • Setting to change the default listings display mode in the searches results page
  • Setting to change default supported images extensions
  • Setting to change default supported files extensions
  • Sending transactional emails with a dedicated email address
  • Email notification to the admin users on new registration (with the social login)
  • Plugin system added
  • The tips (broken) link is fixed on the listings details page
  • And many more small improvements

Version 2.9 February 20, 2017

  • Improvement : New Admin Panel login page
  • Improvement : New Admin Panel Dashboard
  • Improvement : Manage listings per page in search results (from the Panel)
  • Improvement : Decimals numbers (price & salary) support
  • Improvement : Russian pluralization support
  • And many more small improvements
  • AJAX checkbox to activate/deactivate settings (from the Panel)
  • WYSIWYG Editors
  • Dynamics pages editor (for statics pages)
  • Decimals Superscript support
  • Manage Admin Panel theme colors
  • Admin Panel translations
  • Remove translated entries on language deletion

Version 2.8 February 3, 2017

  • Improvement : Copy all language files and data by creating new language
  • Improvement : User's saved searches display
  • Improvement : Registered users can disable comments on their listings
  • Improvement : ListingsCleaner command
  • Improvement : Logged user's area
  • User's favourite listings removal
  • Banned users can no longer log in
  • Search results (search by city after by region)
  • Sitemaps 404 error when language code and country code are identical

Version 2.7 January 24, 2017

  • Admin users can now add unlimited Packs and can delete them
  • Automatic creation of translated entries (when creating the main entry)
  • Automatic update for all non translatable fields (from main entry)
  • Paid listings order (by Packs order)
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 2.6 January 19, 2017

  • Improvement : Admin panel
  • Improvement : Payment system
  • Removal the "Title/Gender" field from the registration form
  • Setting for the max upload file size from the admin panel
  • Send notification emails to admin users (on new user or ad)
  • Split the categories list (in the admin panel)
  • Translation data are kept when default language is changed
  • Activate/Deactivate categories with their children if exist
  • Activate/Deactivate translated entries with their translations if exist
  • New upload tool (in admin panel)
  • add/edit/delete pictures to/from listings from the admin panel
  • Send (both to user and admin users) notification email on new payement
  • Setting to activate/deactivate all admin users notifications
  • Users can now upgrade their existing listings (by making a payment)
  • Listing's badge added for paid listings (when you visit the ad)
  • A blank CSS file (custom.css) for more CSS customization
  • Menu mobile view issue
  • Language files for the use of the plural in the Russian language
  • HTTP Cache activation (white page)
  • Saving searches results

Version 2.5 December 14, 2016

  • Social login on SignUp page
  • Allow users to send their resume when the listing's (parent) category is of type "job-offer"
  • New category types: "no-condition" and "non-salable" (to don't display the condition and price filed on listings creation form)
  • Transactional email (for Amazon SES)
  • Listings visits counter
  • Search by city (ignore the svg map parameter if the city ID is provided)
  • ListingsCleaner command
  • Search page links (with query string)
  • multi-language POST login and logout redirect
  • Add new cities from the Admin panel (manually)

Version 2.4 November 29, 2016

  • Country locations databases installation feature (from the admin panel)
  • Simplified activation of listings and users by an ajax call (from the admin panel)
  • Mini stats on the admin panel dashboard
  • Show the listings images when sharing them on Facebook
    (Please use this tool Sharing Debugger to "Scrape Again" your old links having this issue)
  • Timezone, Loc.admin1 & Loc.admin2 edit form (from the admin panel)
  • Find the most populated city in region (state) or in country
  • Distance between cities on search page
  • Carousel listings list for review activation
  • Guests can post Listings
  • XML sitemaps generation
  • Improved: HTTPS protocol usage
  • And many more small improvements

Version 2.3 November 23, 2016

  • Laravel 5.3 support
  • HTTPS support added (Please check the .htaccess)
  • Admin panel: Meta tag description field added in settings area
  • UK flag fixed
  • Reset password (from admin panel) fixed
  • Installation process improved

Version 2.2 November 14, 2016

  • Known issue are fixed

Version 2.1 November 14, 2016

  • Multi-countries website links bugfix
  • Reorder module in the Admin panel

Version 2.0 November 12, 2016

  • New installation module (very easy to use) added
  • Duplicate content links fixed for multi-country website
  • Improvement of the default language setting
  • And many more small improvements

Version 1.7 October 30, 2016

  • Facilitation and improvement of URLs
  • Improvement documentation about the installation

Version 1.6 October 26, 2016

  • Admin panel : AJAX table view with big data sets added - was still selecting all rows from the DB
  • Allow to add, update, or delete locations from the admin panel
    (cities, administrative divisions such as regions or provinces)
  • Allow renaming the URL address of the admin panel against access attempts
    (example: http://domain.tld/admin123 instead of http://domain.tld/admin)
  • And many more small improvements

Version 1.5 October 22, 2016

  • Display the featured listings on the home page
  • Display similar listings on the item page
  • Bugs fixed
  • And many more small improvements

Version 1.4.6 October 10, 2016

  • "Condition" field (Used or New?) on the add page of listings
  • Known issue are fixed

Version 1.4.5 September 28, 2016

  • Switching between languages on search page
  • Notification message of listings expiration

Version 1.4.4 September 10, 2016

  • Known issue are fixed
  • Displaying Payment gateways (fixed)

Version 1.4.3 July 19, 2016

  • Forgot password (from the admin panel) issue fixed

Version 1.4.2 July 18, 2016

  • Issue of adding User from the admin panel fixed
  • Minor improvements

Version 1.4.1 July 4, 2016

  • Case sensitivity issue (when changing the logo) fixed
  • 404 error page (for guest users when ReviewedScope is enable) fixed

Version 1.4.0 June 30, 2016

  • UK databases updated : UK/GB errors fixed
  • ReviewedScope bug fixed

Version 1.3 June 28, 2016

  • Sub-folder installation support
  • Minor bugs fixed

Version 1.2 June 26, 2016

  • Option for admin to review all listings before publication
  • Field for the number of Facebook fans from the admin panel
  • Option to set settings of Paypal, SMTP, Facebook and Google both in the admin panel and in the .env file
    (The .env file settings override those of the admin panel)
  • Known issue are fixed
  • Search engine improved

Version 1.1 June 19, 2016

  • Most of settings of the /.env file have been moved in the admin panel
  • Setting to turn ON/OFF the SVG map of the countries on the homepage added
  • Admin panel setting for increased number of photos per listing added (min: 1, max: 20)
  • Admin panel setting for CSS customization added
  • Known issue are fixed

Version 1.0 June 13, 2016

Initial release.